
 About The Project

This project got me thinking outside the box. Mammibelli is a wearable kick track device that fits seamlessly around a mother’s body. It keeps track of the amount the baby kicks was well as the amount of times a family member cuddles with the baby.

The user experience and concept for the Social Networking Information Repository is based on the importance of recording the amount of movements and heartbeats made by the fetus in order to detect any abnormalities and health problems in the fetus. To eliminate frustration, the repository is designed so that the pregnant mother can receive, add and edit information about her baby in a quick pace.

The visual design for this device is light and soothing so that her family will have fun when then are interacting with the device.

Poster + Publication: CHI 2012

CHI 2012 Authors List: Authors List


Art Direction, Illustration, Print Design, Research, Web Design